I’m always trying to build my classroom library. I add award winning books to my wish list all the time. I prefer hardcover, so I can add a protective, clear cover to each book to make them last longer.
I’m not sure if it’s a Texas custom, or I just didn’t notice in California, but I’ve observed that families at Goodson sometimes give gifts to teachers. I don’t expect anything from you for going my job well, but if you do want to get me something, I would love to get more books.
Please visit Mr. Heyer’s Amazon.com wishlist to see what I could use in my classroom (mostly books, but also some fun items). You do not have to buy from Amazon — it’s just convenient for me to keep it there. If you like giving gift cards, I’ve seen ones for Amazon at Kroger.
Half Price Books also has their own gift cards, local stores, and books for cheap.