Class Managers

It may be Mr. Heyer’s classroom, but it’s your class. Any time a group of more than about ten people get together, leaders are needed to make sure things run smoothly. Become a class manager, so you can do your part to make class yours, and to get valuable experience you can use when you get a job.

Turn in an application and schedule an interview to get a position.

Get trained (or retrained) to work your job for two to six weeks in a row.

Positions available:

  • Door Manager
    Greets people at the door to the classroom. Before class, makes students aware of important information on the board or screen. During class answers the door for guests. Helps guests or gets teacher’s attention at the appropriate time. Greets substitute teachers and introduces other managers to the sub.
  • Board Manager
    Runs the warm-ups by making sure each student takes a turn. Types or writes on the board during lessons. Monitors the agenda to make sure nothing is missing and the date is correct. Makes corrections if necessary. Writes down info for the class if the board isn’t working.
  • Emergency Bag Manager
    Each week: checks to make sure the roll is up-to-date, and tests the flashlight. Hands the bag to the teacher or sub during a drill or emergency.
  • Attendance Manager
    Follows the procedure for noting which students are present, tardy, or absent using the seating chart on the teacher’s clipboard.
  • Supplies Managers
    Distributes supplies and materials. After the supplies are used, looks around the room to collect supplies and put them away.
  • Errand Manager
    Follows the procedure for keeping track of whose turn it is to leave class to take care of business.
  • Class Library Manager
    Reminds students to have a book when class starts. Checks out hard-cover books to students. Collects books and puts them away after DEAR time.
  • Pencil Manager
    Follows the pencil cycle to get pencils to students who need them and collect them when done. Alerts the teacher when we’re low on pencils.

Any more areas of the class that need management? Let Mr. Heyer know.