Save Instagram Pics

You can save images from Instagram using Chrome or Firefox with better quality than doing a screen shot on your phone. And saved images require no cropping.

Chrome: Save a Picture

  1. Visit
  2. Go to the account page of the person who posted the image
  3. To open the post in a new tab, hold the CTRL key while you click on the image you want to save
  4. Switch to the tab you just opened
  5. To open the developer tools, press F12 (or Cmd+Opt+I on Mac)
  6. Click on Sources
  7. Click on the ► next to the item in the list with “cdninstagram” or “fbcdn”
  8. Click the ► next to the item that doesn’t have 150×150
  9. Right-click the green icon and choose “Open link in new tab”
  10. Right-click the picture and “Save image as…”

Firefox: Save a Picture

  1. Visit
  2. Go to the account page of the person who posted the image
  3. To open the post in a new tab, hold the CTRL key while you click on the image you want to save
  4. Switch to the tab you just opened
  5. Click the Tools menu and go to Page Info
  6. Click on Media
  7. Scroll to the item in the list with “cdninstagram” or “fbcdn” that doesn’t have 150×150, and click on it
  8. Click the “Save As…” button

Firefox: Save a Video (It’s a bit more complicated in Chrome.)

  • Visit
  • Go to the account page of the person who posted the image
  • To open the post in a new tab, hold the CTRL key while you click on the image you want to save
  • Switch to the tab you just opened
  • Click Play
  • Click the Tools menu and go to Page Info
  • Click on Media
  • Scroll to the item in the list with “cdninstagram” or “fbcdn” where it says “Video” in the “Type” column
  • Click the “Save As…” button