
Week 6 of Spring Semester 2014

Keyboarding: Make sure page 519 and your Picture Project are turned in correctly. You’ll know all the letters by the end of this week. Attend tutoring (Tues, Wed, and/or Thur) if you need more time on assignments. Go on to numeric keyboarding.

Language Arts:
Monday-Wednesday: Brainstorm Prewrite for Narrative Paper
Tuesday: Begin working on Rough Draft
Wednesday: Revise and Edit
Thursday & Friday: Computer Lab for Final Copy

Web Design: Historical figures in computing/Internet history. Learn concepts of design and evaluate web sites.

Yearbook: Which teachers do you need to get info from this week?

By Mr. Heyer

Mr. Heyer currently teaches Business Computing courses and is the Yearbook advisor at Goodson Middle School in Cypress, Texas.