
Week of 9/26

Tutoring days this week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Practice typing:


Continue working in MicroType to learn the proper technique for typing letters on the keyboard. Collage made in Word 2013 is due Monday. Study for Grading Period 1 test. Test on Wednesday.

Principles of IT

Complete tasks in Word 2013 simulator to prepare for quizzes this week.


Gazette articles due Monday. Captions due Monday. Continue with team-building activities, evaluating different styles of photos, taking photos, and working on each assigned spread in the yearbook.


Week of 9/19

You can practice typing using:

Keyboarding (“Touch System Data Entry” or “TSDE”)

We continue working in MicroType to learn the proper technique for typing letters on the keyboard. Complete a collage in Word 2013 to learn how to arrange images in a word processing document.

Principles of IT (“Principles of Information Technology” or “PIT”)

We use a budget to decide on which parts would be best for the type of computer we choose.

Yearbook / Journalism

We continue with team-building activities, evaluating different styles of photos, taking photos, and working on each assigned spread in the yearbook.